Monday, 20 August 2018

Which strategy suits you?

Whenever I had to sit for a final exam, I used to take a look at all the theory I had to study and I panicked. I tended to make a mountain out of a molehill and I could not find my way back from that point. So nowadays I try to create a real and clear picture of what I am supposed to know. The way in which I achieve this goal is by using a recently discovered strategy: mind-maps! 

First, I read all the material I have and make the corresponding summaries. After that I decide which information is non-significant and I take it out. Finally, I start creating my mind-map, deciding the central topic present in all the material. I put that topic in the middle, and I start making connections. When I finish, I have the whole subject summarized in the clearest way.  

Today I am uploading a sample of a mind-map I created to sit for a final exam. I usually create my mind-maps by hand, but on this particular occasion I used a webpage. On the site you are not allowed to download or print the maps unless you pay for them, but it is useful anyway because you can use it to brainstorm and modify ideas. There is a lot of theory that you can research online about how to create a mind-map, but to be honest I do not play by the rules! I do use different colours, but I use capital letters to highlight the most important words and not for titles (as I should). Anyway, this is a strategy that works for me because later I create a big version of my mind-map and stick it on a wall. I use post-its to cover the information and I rehearse all I know. Then I lift the post-its up, to check if I remember correctly or if I have to reinforce some concepts.

Rehearsing is also an important part of my study strategy. When you say something out loud it gives you the chance to practice your pronunciation as well as “testing” your knowledge. This has also helped me with my confidence, because after a number of rehearsals I am ready to answer questions more fluently.  

So…which strategies do you put in use when you have to study? Have you tried mind-maps? If you have not, give them a try and you will not regret it!

In case you want to make your mind-map online, here is the webpage I used:


  1. So great to see you are posting in your blog!!!!
